Posts Tagged ‘War on Children’

War Against Children: Down Syndrome Genocide – 90% Killed (Part 13)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Every day, throughout the world, we see the effects of hatred between people whenever we watch news on TV or open the morning newspaper. When violence breaks out, it takes place in homes, workplaces, public institutions, schools, health care facilities and on city streets. It happens in so many senseless ways and women and children are often the victims. We also see the devastating effects of violence and hatred in so many places in our world that are at war. A prime example is Ukraine. Where once there were people raising their families and making livelihoods for themselves, there is nothing but the ashes of burnt out homes and businesses. We humans can become so full of rage that we don’t care who we destroy in the process. All the destruction that takes place in this world has one source – the sin that is lurking in every human heart. We might want to point the finger at others. We might blame governments or other institutions for all the world’s misery. But, ultimately, hate and violence spring from the human heart which rejects God and His love.

Recently, not very much has been written about Down Syndrome human beings. As the intentional killing of unborn babies with Downs syndrome continues to increase at an alarming rate, it appears, we, the adult generation, are vent on erasing an entire category of people. Once diagnosed with Down Syndrome, the unborn child of today faces almost certain death by abortion.

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Is God really Silent?

Ukrainian authorities say over 400 hundred children have been killed and many more injured since the start of Russia’s invasion nearly eight months ago. Among the many victims of the deadliest conflict since World War II are these small children for whom life has just begun.

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War Against Children: World’s First “Synthetic Embryo” – ‘homo sapiens’ next? (Part 12)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

When we look at the state of the world today, it is easy to get discouraged and depressed. In all areas of our life as a society – whether it is the economy, the corona pandemic, world politics or the war on children – things are not good and in general appear to be getting worse, like the senseless attacks in Ukraine by Putin and his gestapo army. I think that most people will admit that our world is more divided now than ever before. The real value and dignity of human life has been placed on the slippery slope of destruction while science and technology introduce a false future of hope for mankind, not to mention big businesses raking in money from these so-called modern advances. Just recently, we learned that Israeli scientists have created the world’s first “synthetic embryos”. This time the attack by adults focuses on pre-born children at the very beginning of their lives, ie. “synthetic embryos” grown outside of the womb without the natural process of sperm, egg and fertilization. Now the slippery slope of science begins.

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War Against Children: ‘Child-friendly’ Gay Drag Shows – “child abuse” (Part 11)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

A recent scandal hit the news recently and highlighted a suppressed, unbelievable attack on our children by the gay community. The article “‘Child-friendly’ Drag Show at Dallas Gay Bar Prompts State Lawmaker to Act” surfaced on June 6, 2022, following a drag show for children. Immediately, Texas State Rep. Bryan Slaton announced he would present a bill that would protect children from these indecent displays. “Drag shows are no place for a child,” he said. A heroic statement but whether anything postive will surface is still a big question. Yet for this to have reached such a level of indecency, my question is why has nothing been done over the years to protect our children from this gay trend. A radio host and writer Michael Brown pointed out, that the spectacle of drag queens performing for kids (and their parents) has been common at Pride parades for almost two decades with little public outcry.

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War Against Children: Child-Soldier Machines – “beautiful flowers” (Part 9)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Confused Flower

“Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden.” (by unknown) One of the most precious things that we have in this world are our children. God has created each one individually as a unique human person, a one-of-a-kind who is very precious to Him. In the beginning, God made “male and female”, wishing them to share in His creative work by saying “increase and multiply”. The result of this participation with God is children, each of whom are precious and possess a “special” talent and ability that gives life to the world. Beginning at an early age and throughout its childhood, the child needs a safe atmosphere to develop as a human being. This is a time in which children should live free from fear, safe from violence, and protected from abuse and exploitation. Children are the world’s future, and we need to take care of them like we would any precious resource.

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War Against Children: Climate Change – “before and after!” (Part 8)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Apathy Facing Climate Change

(BEFORE COP25) — “You’ll die of old age; we’ll die of climate change!” Young people strike back against apathy among politicians dealing with climate change. “What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” echoed throughout central Glasgow as thousands of protesters took the streets during the dedicated “Youth Day” at COP26. Young leaders did their best to make their voices be heard, expressing their discontent with the current state of climate action, or, as some claimed, “climate inaction.” Even very small children gathered in the demonstration. “Climate change is worse than homework”, one of them told UN News.

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War Against Children: Forced Begging – “vulnerable to abuse” (Part 7)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

What would you do? Let’s say you are walking along the streets of a major city and you see a mother and child sitting on the sidewalk. The child looks very ill and is holding out a tin cup, desperately asking for help.

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War Against Children: Adoption Laundering – “stealing a child” (Part 6)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

As you know, there is a very real war going on in the world right now. It’s a war against the life of a child. In this segment, I will talk about “Child Laundering” The Bible tells us that each and every human being is made in the image of God, and the enemy would like nothing better than to attack that image by destroying each and every person he can, beginning with the preborn. It’s up to us to fight on behalf of these innocent children. It’s not easy, but God is on our side.

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War Against Children: Body Parts – “Worst Nightmare For the Unborn” (Part 5)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Life is Beautiful. Life is precious and sacred.

Good people believe in the sanctity of the human person with rights and dignity to be protected and preserved. Yet there are those who disagree. They declare open War Against the Unborn. But there is no “good” war. In the end, millions die and many are left crippled. Why then fight the war in the first place? The reason is that this war against the unborn is very profitable. Selling/Buying aborted body parts is a billion-dollar (multi-billion?) industry. Scott Carney in his new book, “The Red Market”, figures that he is worth about $250,000 if his body was broken down and sold as individual parts on what he calls the “red market.” The world was even more shocked when it learned that the University of Pittsburgh was harvesting organs of unborn babies “while their hearts were still beating”.

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War Against Children: Pornography – “Net Porn” (Part 4)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Pornography on the Internet has exploded into millions of pornographic websites. Currently, it is a booming industry of nearly 100 billion dollars. Internet pornography invades homes and destroys good families without any accountability to anyone. In the evenings, I count around 30 or more phonographic emails sitting in my computer mailbox. This, my friends, is a daily occurrence. Just one click and most of these unwanted emails will allow me unrestricted private access to a pornographic website. This simple procedure attracts the curiosity and fingertips of small children. The porn companies “without any moral principles” have opened the doors to public Net porn, which instantly allows an innocent young generation to view both soft and hard pornography. The sole purpose of big business is to fill their pockets with money. One example, Facebook, a multi-billion dollar business, allows child pornography. 
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